THE LITTLE WINE YEAR (4/30/2003)  Bernd Lehmnann presents his new major literary-graphic project on the theme of Rilke and Wine "A real wine taster no longer drinks wine but tastes its secrets," as Salvador Dali once put it. The new collected edition "Das kleine Weinjahr" (12 limited original etchings with classic wine motifs, verses For the North-German artist aesthetic perception is not restricted to looking and seeing. It covers all the senses, as is shown in his powerfully conceived etchings on the topic of wine. They ooze the personality, structure and fragrance of wine, to which the grapes give their freshness. What the beholder finds in his pictures is not art per se, but the joys of life enhanced by beauty. Comparing them with tasting and enjoying wine suggests that appreciation and knowledge of art are not necessary when art truly comes from the heart - it provides us with a sense with which to recognize whether the vintner has kept to the rules of the art of wine-making. We can taste the wine without knowing the rules. The same applies to poetry, painting and in particular to Lehmann's graphic art. It contains that kind of reality-mellowing essence without which life seems stale. The new edition is a continuation of Bernd Lehmann's graphic Rilke cycle "Dir zur Feier" (16 original etchings with a rose and poetry theme). It is presented in a bibliophile book-type case lined with velvet. The texts printed on handmade paper were written by Dr Alexandra Hildebrandt, a literature historian and the head of internal communications at the globally operating HeidelbergCement group (Central Europe West). Lehmann conceived this latest wine project together with her and she also wrote the preface. For her Rilke radio play "Von einem, der die Steine belauscht" (to be broadcast on 23 May 2003 by SWR 2 in the programme "vor Mitternacht" at 23.00 hrs) Lehmann designed the CD cover for the recorded broadcast. Dr Hildebrandt's essay of the same name was published in March this year together with Lehmann's etchings in the exclusive magazine "Literatur in Bayern" edited by Prof Dr Dietz-Rüdiger Moser (University of Munich). The public's response to his major literary-graphic projects is remarkable. After his first edition featuring the natural scientist and romantic poet Adelbert von Chamisso, literary experts immediately became aware of his work at the Frankfurt book fair. Since then, yearbooks and specialist magazines have publicized his work. They include "Athenäum. Jahrbuch für Romantik", "Studia austriaca" (Milan), "Literatur in Bayern", "Rabenflug" and "Campos".  He is especially fascinated by the theme of wine and Rilke: "It is as if Rilke's poetry constructs a road through all countries of the world connecting every vineyard and breaking up the ancient stone underfoot. Rilke teaches us to observe and to read the signs of nature.
Grafisch-literarisches Projekt zum Thema Rilke und Wein.
Dr. Alexandra Hildebrandt ist Nachhaltigkeits- und Wirtschaftsexpertin und berät Vorstände und Aufsichtsräte bei der Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeits-und Kommunikationsstrategien. Vom Präsidium des Deutschen Fußball-Bundes (DFB) wurde sie 2010 in die DFB-Kommission Nachhaltigkeit berufen. Sie studierte Literaturwissenschaft, Psychologie und Buchwissenschaft und war viele Jahre in oberen Führungspositionen in der Wirtschaft tätig – bis 2009 als Leiterin Gesellschaftspolitik bei der Arcandor AG (KarstadtQuelle). Den Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertag unterstützte sie bei der Konzeption des Zertifikatslehrgangs »CSR-Manager (IHK)«. Sie ist Herausgeberin und Autorin zahlreicher Sachbücher. Zuletzt erschienen: »Welche Zeiten, in denen wir leben. Was erfolgreiches Unternehmertum ausmacht « (2010).
Gesichter der Nachhaltigkeit. Herausgegeben von Alexandra Hildebrandt und Hauke Schwiezer. 440 Seiten. abcverlag Heidelberg 2013.
© 2012 by Bernd Lehmann. Alle Rechte vorbehalten Alle Werke sind gedruckt auf echtem Büttenpapier von Hahnemühle    DRUCKGRAFIK  RADIERUNGEN - GOUACHEN - ILLUSTRATIONEN Mappenwerke, Auftragsarbeiten  Thematische Mappenwerke, Illustrationen, Radierungen und Gouachen:  Adelbert von Chamisso, Rainer Maria Rilke, JOOP MEETS ANDERSEN, John Lennon, Johnny Cash, Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong,  Joachim Ringelnatz, Virginia Woolf, Lytton Strachey, Leonard Woolf, Hermann Hesse, Hans Christian Andersen, Udo Lindenberg,  Ruth Wenger, Emil von Behring, Paul Ehrlich, Auguste Rodin.
(c) Steffi Henn
Das kleine Weinjahr mit Radierungen zu Rainer Maria Rilke